Whilst reading the book I went picking out quotes that really spoke out to me, that I thought said a lot about the book, its story, in just a few short words. Quotes that would inspire me in creating a powerful visual. Out of all the quotes I picked out these are the ones that most stood to me as they were giving me an interesting perspective from which to work from and base my front cover on:

“Do you ever wonder what it would be like if our positions were reversed?” I ask. Jack’s puzzled look, I continue. “If we whites were in charge instead of crosses?” “Can’t say it’s never crossed my mind”, Jack shrugged. “I used to think about it a lot”, sigh. “Dreams of living in a world with no discrimination, no more prejudice, a fair police force, an equal justice system, equality of education, equality of life, a level playing field…”


I found this extremely interesting. The idea of “reverse racism”. Of course racism from black people towards white people exists but not in the huge dimensions that black people have experienced for centuries. Therefore, this reveresed situation was what I found most interesting about the book and what I was most motivated to work with. My ideas concerning this were really to show this reverse in reality, and to make the reader really think about how it would have been if famous related historical events had been lived, endured, by the other race… How it would feel and how it would be if it had been the other race who suffered this extreme hate.












I chose this particular book because of its previous covers. I found them very classic, non appealing, and just not vibrant enough for the story that was inside. That is what pushed me to chose this book, what got me motivated to come up with something more exciting, appealing and revealing of the power of its’ story. I wanted to break the classic book cover barriers and create something that would be eye catching to its’ young audience.




Malorie Blackman has written over sixty books and is acknowledged as one of today’s most imaginative and convincing writers for young readers. She has been awarded numerous prizes for her work, including the Red House Children’s Book Award and the Fantastic Fiction Award. Malorie has also been shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal. In 2005 she was honoured with the Eleanor Farjeon Award in recognition of her contribution to children’s books, and in 2008 she received an OBE for her services to children’s literature. She has been described by The Times as ‘a national treasure’. Malorie Blackman was the Children’s Laureate 2013-15.



Two young people are forced to make a stand in this thoughtprovoking look at racism and prejudice in an alternate society. Sephy is a Cross — a member of the dark-skinned ruling class. Callum is a Nought — a “colourless” member of the underclass who were once slaves to the Crosses. The two have been friends since early childhood, but that’s as far as it can go. In their world, Noughts and Crosses simply don’t mix. Against a background of prejudice and distrust, intensely highlighted by violent terrorist activity, a romance builds between Sephy and Callum — a romance that is to lead both of them into terrible danger. Can they possibly find a way to be together? First published in 2001 Noughts & Crosses deals with racism, terrorism, the class system and the artificial divides we always seem to put between ourselves and others. It is as relevant now as it was then.





  • Very classic – looks like every other book you would study in english class, but that you wouldn’t get particularly excited about
  • Very classic and unappealing, nothing new, modern or eye catching.
  • The best one so far: more modern, attractive; colour & type. Looks more for all public and not just for high school student.