In 2016 ‘fashion statement’ seemed to gain a whole new dimension, gaining political meaning to it and I’m glad, it was about time. I am tired of seeing women such as Nicki Minaj stroll down Paris with a breast out and get away with it by classifying it as a fashion statement, a statement for women’s freedom. I’m sorry but a statement from Nicki Minaj for women’s rights has no credibility, because of her music videos. It is not a statement but rather a way of justifying her actions. Lots of women would agree with me when I say that we are daily judged as sexual objects, and that the words and actions of women like her, are completely counterproductive. I don’t accept for someone such as Nicki Minaj to speak in the name of all women and specially not mine. How can a woman who’s music videos consist of her presenting herself as a sexual object pretend to be fighting for women’s rights? I do not need to shake my ass in between the legs of a man to feel free and show others that I own my sexuality. I am not a black woman, so I can’t speak in their name and say that Nicki Minaj isn’t doing them any favours either.

We could say that Beyoncé does the same thing, she also has music videos where she is intensely expressing her sexuality, where she is twerking, etc… But I genuinely feel there is a difference with Beyoncé. It’s not only that she seems to do things more tastefully, which affects a lot the way we perceive and receive things. She has a great control over what she does, what she wears, and what she does with what she wears. I think that has become even clearer with her last album ‘Lemonade’. I believe her album is part of the reason why the term ‘fashion statement’ has evolved. She is one of the only mainstream artist to have really raised her voice, physically and visually for politics this year. For example when she showed up at NFL with her whole crew of african-american dancers in outfits inspired by the Black Panthers. There is proof enough that Beyoncé’s fashion choices are true statements in her song ‘Formation’ being chosen as the anthem for Black Lives Matter.


More than speaking out directly in the name of women, this year Beyoncé has spoken out for her cultural heritage. There is sufficient evidence of this in all of her videos for ‘Lemonade’.

In doing this so powerfully, with such control, intelligence and professionalism, I believe she has also managed to show the world how seriously women should be taken and that we have things to say that are seriously worth listening to. I think, she, gives us credibility.Beyoncé has understood that a voice isn’t enough to be heard, or at least not on its own. Fashion is the power tool that helps us be heard.

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