Following up on the research and development of my project


As I said in my last post, my project and research was taking a specific approach: humour! As well as sexual .. . Here Here







After a lot of research I could start breaking it down and getting rid of the unnecessary clutter so I could start thinking of making physical work .




Lube / Stripper


-Sniffing Fuel / Drinking Fuel


-Geeks and sex


Addicted to gaming

Based on this I decided to create quirky weird characters that would embody these addictions. Most of the characters l created were based on real people. See here below:

ANDY: 40 Year old Virgin

THERESA: Addicted to the smell of Fuel

DOUG : Addicted to gaming

Fluid Exploration 1.01




Fluid Exploration was a project that Started off with being given 3 random words. Mine were OIL , CASTLE & POPCORN MACHINE. The purpose of this was to “let your mind be free, let your thoughts and ideas flow without letting the idea of a final piece block this process … Let your mind run.

At first I wasn’t looking forward to this too much. But actually in the end I enjoyed it a Lot because it showed me amore fluid way of starting a project. A less constructive start; open to anything- I really needed that because it helped me take the pressure of getting an idea straight away.

The way we had to start was to brainstorm on these words letting our minds run completely free to go from obvious word associations and ideas to something Completely unexpected and random. So that’s what I did :



I went through all the obvious research of what is oil, how does a popcorn machine work, the history of castle. .. Until I let my mind run and ended in places such as:


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  1. the formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named (e.g. cuckoo, sizzle ).
    • the use of onomatopoeia for literary effect.



I was definitely going in the direction of humour. Follow up the next posts to see !



Satire never retires !




  1. the use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
    “the crude satire seems to be directed at the fashionable protest singers of the time”
    Synonyms: Mockery, ridicule, derision, Scorn, Caricature…




Satirizing dictatorship is nothing new. As historian Leonard Maltin said,it may be cathartic for people to laugh at their enemy, to “laugh in his face,as it were” (speaking about the public watching Charlie Chaplin’s “The Great Dictator”).
It is said that satire should comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. Who does it comfort (the public) and who does it afflict (the” wrongdoer”) ? This was my purpose with my twist to Hitler ‘s story, my satire. I wanted to create a comforting story for the public; one that would take us far from the history of his crimes and turn Hitler into a silly little man that we could laugh at instead. I believe that a story that’s so silly, almost doesn’t Make sense and portrays Hitler as comfortable in an environment that goes completely against what he represented, will have that effect.
Satire has been  used over and over again against dictators throughout history, as it still is now. Here are examples as well as my pinterest board for this project;

Adolf Mania



Following up on my last post about Hitler and his sexuality, I thought I would look into what the internet has to offer when it comes to theories, from possible to completely crazy. Are you ready? Here goes:

Hitler Only Had One Testicle (With The Other Residing In The Albert Hall)

Hitler was posessed by the devil

Nazis had a secret moon base

Hitler was an avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu

Hitler is still alive

Hitler was Jewish

Find out more through the following websites;

Hitler ; Fetishes & Co.


In today’s post I will be talking about my catalyst project. We had to pick a new’s story And transform it. My story was about Era Braun, Hitler’s lover. More precisely about her panties being sold in auction .

Original story:

After some research into Hitler’s bizarre personality, to say the least , l started changing and adding to the story . The story is as follows;

The panties weren’t Eva’s. They are Hitler’s. E.B doesn’t stand for Eva Braun; It stands for Eva’s bitch. Hitler enjoyed role playing and dressing up as a woman. This is due to the amount of estrogen the British spies were putting in his food. Therefore Hitler was struggling with his feminine side/gay/transgender… all of the above? In fact this is why he spread his wrath upon the rest of the world. Because he was a little bitch that couldn’t deal with his own emotions and his growing sensitive nipples.

Following the ‘mood’ or direction of my story, the research that I found interesting to get into were theories such as… was Hitler gay? Hitler’s peculiar sexuality, what Hitler’s sex life was really like. I went in that direction as through research I read many times that Hitler could have suffered of the Oedipus complex;

“(in Freudian theory) the complex of emotions aroused in a young child, typically around the age of four, by an unconscious sexual desire for the parent of the opposite sex and wish to exclude the parent of the same sex. (The term was originally applied to boys, the equivalent in girls being called the Electra complex .).”

Click here to find an interesting article about this by Vanity Fair;

I wanted to understand how someone could become what he became, what could push someone to being this way. How much his sexuality could have to do with it. Specially as it is said that ‘Hardly any other prominent figure in history so covered his tracks, as far as his personal life was concerned.’ (Joachim Fest).

It is argued that Hitler suffered from a multitude of severe psychological disorders, paranoid schizophrenia, narcisstic personality disorder… But most interestingly of mood swings that evidenced he had contracted syphilis “as well as sudden criminal behaviour, paranoia, grandiosity and mania, all of which changes show in cases of neuro-syphilis.”

It is this information that pushed me into that kind of research and gave me my spin on the story. As it is such a serious subject, I  wanted my work to make fun of him, to be a satire of Hitler in a light hearted way that wouldn’t make us think of his horrible crimes.

The following articles are of the kind I mentioned before, Hitler being gay, having a sexual obsession over his niece….

Adolf Hitler had a VERY dark sexual fetish, according to secret spy documents