Street Wear_

New Brief. New Idea. New Research.


Today I am sharing a few links that I used for research for my new project ‘Transcription’, where I am looking to create my own streetwear brand in some sorts. A streetwear brand that would promote kindness (humanity), good manners and motivation or demote the opposite of this. I want to do this because originally that’s what streetwear is about; it’s about sending a message, opening a discussion about a certain social issue or topic. But lately it hasn’t been so, because there is just so much ‘hype’ and ‘trend’ around the idea 0f streetwear and their ‘logos’. And I am sharing these links because I learned a lot about streetwear because of them, they have been extremely relevant to my research on this topic and to gain a greater and more knowledgeable understanding of what streetwear is, or was.
