I started to create my illustrations and turn them into animations or GIFs, trying to figure out what aesthetic I was trying to accomplish, would suit best the video and/or would transmit best the atmosphere and emotions I wanted. As I was doing that I suddenly remembered something that could greatly inspire us; True Blood. A series based on vampires, werewolves  and all sorts of other creatures. This series happens to have a brilliant intro. Here it is;


It has great cutaways creating this unsettling effect and really helps in creating this unknown and unpleasant environment that is present throughout the whole introduction. Brilliant video, brilliant glitches. In my opinion they work extremely well and so this is the effect we wanted to create in our video.

I also found a great post from a blog called HungerTv about gif artist. I love creating gifs but I’m just newbie, so finding out about these artists was very exciting.

Take a look:

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